Thursday, April 17, 2008

Horse Whispering Harvy's

Today we headed off to Loma Bonita with ambitions and aspirations of galloping through the Mexican countryside and beach.

Well as soon as I mounted "Tweety", Sonia mounted "Marla", Sammy mounted "Century" and Brando mounted "Comanchi" we realised we had absolutely no control over these horses. As soon as we started out on our journey my horse and Sonia's headed straight into something that resembled a corn field for a bite of grass. Sam's went off the track and up a hill. Brandan's was doing much the same. After about 45 minutes we got to the beach and were about to get off but not before "Tweety" decided he wanted to have a bit of a gallop. I went from the back of the pack to the front in no time, bit like Kiwi when he won the Melbourne Cup accept I didn't have a smile on my face when we hit the finish line!

We rested at the beach briefly and Sonia and the kids rode horses out into the water and back, I opted to have a rest after my brief encounter with "Tweety".

Ride home to ranch went bit smoother for all of us, think we were starting to get the hang of it. We were all relieved to get back and get off the horses without any injury other than sore butts.

Was good fun, bit nerve racking, but worth it.

Tonight we had an amazing dining experience at Alux (pronounce Aloosh), a restaurant and lounge which is situated in a massive cave full of stalactites, fossils, etc.

Couldn't find a good weblink so check out the photos below

This last photo resulted from Sam playing a trick on me. I had kicked of my thongs (havaianas) under the table not long into the meal. When I went to retrieve them towards the end I was missing one. Sam had hidden it because she has learnt how frustrated I can get when I can't find stuff. Well after they had taken me to the limit the waiter bought my Havaiana back wrapped up in some foil shaped like a duck delicacy. Will have to watch my stuff for rest of the trip.

The restaurant is really a unique experience well worth a visit, we were actually surprised that it had not been more heavily promoted or commercialised.

No plans for tomorrow as yet, we are thinking about heading to Akumal which is about half an hour down the road to check out some ancient Mayan ruins and to have a snorkel at what locals say is one of the best locations for swimming and snorkeling. Here they have sea turtles and heaps of fish swimming around.

We'll see what happens.

For now, that is all, buenas noches (good night)

Tour Captain


Sabine said...

Hadn't get the chance to come and read about your holidays and now I am catching up!
What can I say but "Oh my, they look like they're having the worst time of their life, lol.
Of course, it sounds like something noone would like to do such as swimming with the dolphins (I want to be a dolphin in my next life...), or doing parasail (I want to not suffer from vertigo in another life...).
These are really some exciting holidays you're having there. I love the photos you are showing us and Geez! Sonia, you will need ages to scrap everything...

katg1006 said...

¡Buenos días mis amigos!

Wow what a trip of a are all doing such fun and wonderful things :) I want to be adopted *LOL*

Love that restuarant how cool was that?? *LOL* Sam cracks me up with
you thongs!! hahahahaha too funny!!

Things here are good Nick is keeping me busy with Bubble Karate and Dragon Bubbles...long story I will show you the pics when you get back!! (((hugs))


Scraps of Bev said...

Your horse riding trip brings back memories of a similar (funny) happening for us on one of our holidays..David has never been back on a horse since..

I like the sound of that restaurant...

Anonymous said...

PMSL about the Haviana, what a cool idea to 'serve' it to you, a la duck!